10 Reasons

1. Save Cash!

  • You can save a lot of money by growing from seed yourself. A packet of seeds can contain anywhere from five to as many as a thousand. If you’re paying a dollar for an annual, and you get a dozen, cost will be around $12.00. A packet of seeds can be anywhere from a dollar to five or six dollars for perennials or new creations of annuals. If you have 25 plants sprout and grow from that packet, you have saved a lot. But that’s not all – there’s something exciting about observing the birth of a tiny seedling and helping it grow into a full-fledged plant.

2. Variety:

  • Have you ever seen a plant that is new to you and said, “I wish I had that fantastic plant “? Well, seeds are like the treasure trove of variety. You can grow anything from double-petaled, single, columnar or daisy-shaped flowers to exotic veggies, and it’s all at your fingertips. It is fun to try new plants every year along with the tried and true varieties that are your favorites.

3. Green School:

  • Teach a child about the wonderful world of the life cycle of plants. It’s not just for the kids; it’s for the kid in you. Growing from seed is like having a personalized biology lesson right in your backyard. From sowing the seed to mulching the plants to harvesting your food or flowers, it will show them how soil and human can bring food to the table without the grocery store.

4. Sustainability Brag:

  • Growing from seed is your way of saying, “I’m all in on helping the environment!” It cuts down on the plastic pots and the environmental baggage that comes with shipping plants. Whether it’s eliminating mountains of cardboard or plastic, seed grown plants are best for Mother Nature.

5. Time Master:

  • Seed growing is like having a backstage pass to the gardening concert. You can start the show indoors, giving your plants a VIP treatment before they hit the outdoor stage. By controlling the time from sowing seeds to moving transplants outdoors, you can get a jump on flowering. For example, some perennials that are started early indoors will bloom the same year.

6. Seed Saving:

  • Remember those marigolds that stole the show last summer? Well, save those seeds, and you’ve got your own little seed bank. One thing to consider, hybrids will not come true from seed and look exactly the same as the parent plant. However, there are many species plants that will look just like the parent.

7. It’s Good for Your Health:

  • Imagine yourself surrounded by tiny green sprouts, Mother Nature’s black gold on your hands. This is gardening therapy, but with less talking and more gardening. Hey, you can even talk to your plants if you like. No judgement!

8. Building Community:

  • Build community by swapping seeds and seedlings with your neighbors, and suddenly you’re the local gardening guru. It’s like planting the seeds of friendship. And it’s not just exchanging plants with your neighbor; it’s also knowledge about new varieties and which ones work best for you.

9. Feeling Accomplished:

  • How about those little seeds you planted? With a little time and care, you can successfully produce enough plants to create a wildflower border, or grow much of the food your family consumes. You can certainly be proud of those goals, and move on to greater and more inclusive goals. It’s the ultimate, “I am so proud of myself.” moment.

10. Roots of Steel:

  • Plants with strong roots are champions. They weather storms better, adapt to your garden’s vibe, and overall, they’re the green heros you want in your corner. When the time comes to plant them out in your garden, you can be confident that you have given them the best chance to thrive.

Are you a seasoned green thumb or just getting your hands dirty? Growing plants from seed is like a garden party where everyone’s invited, and the plants are the VIPs. Happy planting!